Verve Pipe
I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground
Your friends were all well-meaning
I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground
Sometimes you feel defeated
I'm getting to like this feeling I've found
Meet you on the roof....
The Getaway
You are the
Never Let You Down
I'm getting to like this feeling I've found
I'm getting to love the thought of
Having you around and
I will never let you down
When they said no one is good enough for you
But if they play with your emotions
Dismiss the notion
And do what you have to do
Cause people don't take chances with their hearts
Since I've met you I am past the hardest part
So remember one thing
I will never let you down
I'm getting to like this feeling I've found
I'm getting to love the thought of
Having you around and
I will never let you down
But it's OK...
You're not the only one
And all the complications,
The bad situations - happen to everyone
It doesn't matter how it ended or began
Sometimes the best that you can do
Is change your plans
I hope you understand that
I will never let you down
I'm getting to love the thought of
Having you around and
I will never let you down
Songs Sitemap
Without You
Reasons to Go
Contact Me person to visit
Thanks to Cool Archive for the font Whisperwrite